ROMANCE ANIME FILMS | Romantic Anime Movies | Romance Anime

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I have listed out the Romance Anime Films.

1. Your Name

romance anime films

Director: Makoto Shinkai

Date: 2016 August 26, (Japan)

2016-2017 (International)

Running Time: 107 minutes (Approximately) – Kimi no Na wa


“Your Name” is the story of Taki Tachibana and Mitsuha Miyamizu, two teenagers living in different regions of Japan. Taki is a high school student in Tokyo and Mitsuha lives in the rural town of Itomori-cho. Although strangers, they inexplicably swap bodies and find themselves experiencing each other’s lives and routines.

As they overcome this unusual event and leave messages for each other, they form a connection that eventually develops into a deep bond. But when they discover that they are separated not only by distance but also by time, their relationship changes dramatically and they must find a way to prevent tragic events from their respective pasts.


Taki Tachibana
Mitsuha Miyamizu
Sayaka Natori:
Miyamizu Yotsuha
Toshiki Miyamizu
Hitoha Miyamizu

A Romance Anime films and romantic comedy about two teenagers and their intriguing ability to switch bodies at any time within a week. As the two begin to live each other’s lives, they begin to love each other.

But after watching this movie six times nothing could attempt to replicate or explain what I actually experienced. The artwork is absolutely stunning, some of the most beautiful animations I’ve ever seen in any medium.

The music is poignant, sad, and carved into my heart and brain. mention the four incredibly moving and addictive songs Yumemiru, Zenzenzensei, Sparkle, and Nothing. Each of these four songs has a unique sound and beautifully written lyrics, and every time you listen to it, a fantastic picture appears in your head.

The film’s themes of fate, destiny, and aspiration may not be new, but they are perfectly executed. The atmosphere and mood took me to a place I didn’t know existed.

Everything felt so dreamy, otherworldly, celestial yet so attainable. But like I said. I couldn’t recreate or enjoy my feelings and experiences watching Taki and Mitsuha struggle so well in this movie.

Conclusion :

‘Your Name.’ is an extraordinary animated film that offers a compelling story, stunning visuals, and heart-warming emotions. Director Makoto Shinkai’s talent and creativity are on full display, leaving a strong impression on the audience. Whether you’re a fan of anime or simply enjoy immersive storytelling, your name will take you on an unforgettable journey through love, fate, and the power of relationships. A must-watch movie.

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2. A Silent Voice (Koe no Katachi)

Title: A Silent Voice
Director: Naoko Yamada

Release Date: 2016, September 17 (Japan)
2016-2017 (International)

Running Time: 129 minutes (Approximately) – Koe no Katachi


A Silent Voice revolves around the story of Masaya Ishida and Shoko Nishimiya. When Shōya was in elementary school, he bullied and bullied Shōko, a deaf girl who had transferred to his class. This bullying prompts Shoko to change schools and begins a series of events that will affect their lives.

A few years later, Shoya becomes a high school student and becomes lonely and regrets her past actions. He seeks redemption and attempts to make amends by reuniting with Shoko, who still bears the scars of his childhood. The film explores their complex journey toward understanding, forgiveness, and personal growth.

Main Character Names:

Masaya Ishida: Masaya is the male protagonist of the story. He starts out as a young boy who used to bully Shouko Nishimiya in elementary school, but later seeks redemption and tries to make amends for his work.

Shoko Nishimiya: Shoko is a female protagonist who is mourned for being deaf. Although he transfers schools, he meets Shoya again in high school, and their relationship develops into a complicated one.

Yuzuru Nishimiya: Yuzuru is Shoko’s younger sister and protects her perseverance. Yuzuru plays an important role in the development of the story.

Tomohiro Nagatsuka: Nagatsuka is Shoya’s high school classmate. He becomes one of Shoya’s closest friends and provides comic relief throughout the story.

Miki Kawai: High school classmate of Shoya and Shoko. She was initially one of the girls who bullied Shoko but later became involved in Shoya’s attempts to reform.

Naoka Ueno: Naoka is a classmate of Shoya and Shoko in high school. Soya was a close friend in elementary school, but she also took part in bullying Shoko.

Satoshi Masiba: Satoshi is one of Shōya’s childhood friends and a former member of the group that bullied Shōko in elementary school.

Miyoko Sahara: Miyoko is also a high school classmate. She becomes part of Shoya’s circle of friends as he strives for redemption.

Maria: Maria is a junior who becomes friends with Shoya and Shoko.

It’s a really great and beautiful film and there wasn’t a single moment or scene where I lost interest. I’m not a movie buff, to say the least, but I heard a lot of good things about this movie from other people so I decided to check it out.

It grips you and the story is timeless and unique. The first time I watched this movie, I was impressed by the personality of the main character, Ishida.

Characters in movies who live with anxiety and feel really alone are definitely things I can relate to. I can immediately relate to the characters that are introduced and I love how they focus on their personalities, motivations, and morals. I also saw the original Japanese and English.

Both were equally great, and it’s even more touching knowing that Nishimiya’s voice actor in the show is deaf. Every actor gives a great performance and the whole movie is very impressive. The way the writers constructed the story and showed the character development was amazing in every way.

This is a really great movie. I’m not the type to cry at a movie, but I’ve seen A Silent Voice seven times so far, and each time I’ve been moved. Although the story is simple, the themes and messages are deep, so everyone should watch this movie at least once.

I’ve seen some complaints about the main character not being the main character, and I couldn’t agree more. Shoya is a deeply troubled young man trying to make amends with the girl who once tormented him, he makes mistakes, but that’s what makes him so down-to-earth. We have done things we regret.

The true test of character is how you deal with those mistakes. I loved watching him grow throughout the film, and while I liked Shoko and the other characters, I found Shoya the most attractive.

In conclusion: the film also successfully deals with dark themes like self-loathing and suicide, and ultimately gives us a message of hope that we desperately need in this day and age.

On top of that, not only is the story of A Silent Voice excellent but the art and animation are also excellent, creating a very unique atmosphere that suits the dark themes and story well. A Silent Voice is a beautiful and emotional masterpiece, unlike any other movie I have ever seen.

3. Princess Monoko

Title: (Mononoke-hime)

Director: Hayao Miyazaki

Release Date: 1997, July 12 (Japan)

1999-2001 (International)

Running Time: 134 minutes (Approximately) – Princess Mononoke


Princess Mononoke is set in a medieval Japanese-style fantasy world and revolves around the conflict between humanity and the natural world. The story is about Ashitaka, a young Amishi warrior who, while defending his village, is cursed by a monkey demon. In search of a cure and to understand the curse.

Ashitaka travels west and meets Iron Town led by Lady Iboshi and the mysterious forest guardian San, also known as Princess Mononoke. The film explores the struggle for survival and coexistence between humans and forest spirits and animals, as well as the effects of industrialization and deforestation.

Characters from “Princess Mononoke”:

Ashitaka: The protagonist of this movie is cursed by a boar demon and seeks a cure. He represents the bridge between humanity and the natural world.

San (Princess Mononoke): A human girl who was raised by wolves and opposes the invasion of the forest by humans. She is known as Princess Mononoke.

Mr. Iboshi: Leader of Iron Town’s mining and industrial village. She is a complex character who is a progressive businesswoman and protector of the people.

Moro: A great wolf and guardian of the forest who becomes San’s adoptive mother.

Zigo: A mysterious monk with his own agenda in the conflict between man and nature.

Toki: A woman from Iron Town who befriends Ashitaka.

Koroku: Resident of Iron Town and representative of the working class.


Princess Mononoke is a must-see movie for everyone. I am not saying that every detail of this movie was perfect, but there are many things that make it special and unique. First of all, I liked that each character had their own story that was different. The main character, Ashitaka, often speaks for the audience and their desires.

And this can be a problem because not everyone is like me or you or Ashitaka. However, you can see the desire of Hayao Miyazaki and others to do their best to represent the majority of people who saw this film.

However, Ashitaka does a good job of finding out what the audience needs to know about the characters and meeting the audience’s expectations to resolve the conflict.
And the cinematic aesthetic is as interesting as ever.

The journey we experience is beautiful and mysterious. Some of the characters introduced give us comfort and joy despite the conflict. Even in its busiest moments, the elements created around the film are beautiful.

And the message conveyed by this movie is really great. Some might say, What about not hating or thinking about hating? At the beginning of the film, the characters have a pessimistic attitude towards life, but as the end of the film approaches, you can see that they gradually change. I could talk about the beauty of this movie all day.

This movie represents love, passion, love of nature, and love of earth. The greed of people who want more power over things they cannot control. I have learned that being at peace with myself and others is the best solution to the problems at hand.

Prince Ashitaka taught me valuable lessons about honor and bravery, even when others thought I was a fool for wanting to help the animals of the forest just to live in peace. It was just an inspiration for me. I hope everyone else does too.

4. Mimi wo Sumaseba

Whisper of the Heart

Whisper of the Heart is the only feature film directed by Yoshifumi Kondo before his death in 1998. I can only imagine what kind of movies he would have made if he had lived longer, especially if his directorial debut was already so good. When I first saw this movie, I thought it was just a cute romance story, but as it progressed, I realized that it is compelling.

Release date: 1995(July 15)


  • Shizuku Tsukishima
  • Seiji Amasawa
  • Shiro Nishi
  • Yuko Harada
  • Sugimura


  • Director: Yoshifumi Kondo
  • Producer: Toshio Suzuki
  • Writer: Hayao Miyazaki
  • Music: Yuji Nomi


The story revolves around Shizuku Tsukishima, a young woman who is searching for her identity and passion. When she meets a cat statue named “Baron” on a train, she embarks on a journey to find herself. While searching for the origins of the motifs, she comes across an antique shop run by the mysterious Shiro Nishi.

Along the way, she befriends Seiji Amasawa, a boy who dreams of becoming a violin maker. Shizuku’s life changes dramatically as she discovers her artistic talent and realizes the importance of following her dreams.

First of all, Shizuku is probably one of my favorite characters in anime. I truly admire her journey as a story of identity exploration that we can all learn from.

The challenges she faces along the way are very real: moments of disrespect for herself, fear of being followed by others, and insecurities about her own talents and career path. However, teenage conflicts are often elusive. But Kondo and Miyazaki did it in a really delicate and detailed way.

However, while the film clearly shows his hardships, it comforted me that Shizuku was helped by his family and grandfather Nishi as well. Grandpa Nishi’s advice and reassuring stories soothed my anxiety.

Also, I love the way Seiji and Shizuku encourage each other, the love that encourages change, and the ending that feels like a bright hope for the future. Also, like any Ghibli film, I have to say the animation is absolutely gorgeous and Yuji Nomi’s soundtrack is a must-see gem.

This is a list of impressions and reviews of “Whisper of the Heart”.
From the opening frames and scenes of this romance anime films, I knew it was going to be something special. Going into it, I didn’t know much about it, so I thought it would be an adventure story full of fantasy elements.

However, this film doesn’t take that approach and actually takes a more grounded and mature route.

The consequences of their narrative decisions are just one reason why “If You Listen” is so effective overall. Like all Studio Ghibli films, it has a charming, quiet aesthetic. But I found it very attractive because of the story, message and characters.

The message I took from that was that sometimes in life you don’t have to follow what most people do. It’s a career path, school, or your personal dream.

Sometimes it’s important to make your own way, and with hard work, effort, and dedication, you can follow your dreams. I also liked the romantic elements. It didn’t feel weak and I really cared about the main characters and wanted the best for them in the end.

Overall, “Whisper of the Heart” is inspiring, beautiful, and mature, with gorgeous animation and a well-thought-out story making it another great film in Studio Ghibli’s library. I thought It is very underrated and definitely deserves more attention!

5. Kotonoha no Niwa

The Garden of Words )

Release Date: May 31, 2013 (Japan).


Director: Makoto Shinkai

Writer: Makoto Shinkai

Music: Daisuke Kashiwa

Animation Studio: CoMix Wave Films


It tells the story of Takao Akizuki, a high school student who wants to become a shoemaker, and Yukari Yukino, a mysterious woman he meets in a garden in Shinjuku on a rainy morning. Takao often skips school on rainy days and works in the garden designing shoes, and Yukari also goes to the garden to relieve her anxiety.

As they meet and form a unique connection, they slowly open up to each other and find comfort in each other’s presence. The film explores themes of love, loneliness, and the healing power of relationships over life’s hardships.


Takao Akizuki: A 15-year-old high school student who is passionate about making shoes.

Yukari Yukino: A mysterious woman who visits the garden on a rainy day and forms a bond with Takao.

The movie portrays the characters so well that it seems realistic. Beautiful gardens, rain, and love. The story revolves around two beautiful people and the story of their separate lives and how they fall in love with each other.

I really like the rainy season theme. I don’t think love can be depicted in a more beautiful way. Living is not just living with someone. Sometimes love is the trigger that causes the most painful parts of our lives, but we still accept it because we met someone who taught us to live happily in that pain. This movie showed me that.

It is very beautiful and realistic, and the sound of rain is also very good, so please watch. It’s a story of two good-looking people who fall in love and always meet in the park, especially when it’s raining. I cried several times, the longest being the most dramatic part when she ran up and hugged him, which was about 3 minutes.

But, when I was told about her age, I was shocked, but she was so beautiful that I didn’t have to make it, so I cried, but I made it anyway. But this is a great movie with a deep message.

If you want something in life, you have to fight and speak up for it. Staying in the background and always listening to others won’t help because if you listen to what others say, you won’t understand what you want to achieve in your life.

However, you have to step outside your comfort zone to decide what you should do or what you want to do.

6. “Weathering with You” (Tenki no Ko)

Release Date: July 19, 2019(Japan).


Director: Makoto Shinkai

Writer: Makoto Shinkai

Music: Radwimps

Animation Studio: CoMix Wave Films


The story of “Weathering With You” is about Hodaka Morishima, a high school student, who runs away from his home in the countryside to Tokyo, where it is raining unusually heavily. He becomes involved with Hina Amano, a girl with a mysterious ability to control the weather.

The two use Hina’s ability to change the weather to start a business providing sunlight to the people of Tokyo. But as they navigate their new abilities and feelings for each other, they discover the dire consequences of tampering with the natural order.

Maint Characters:

Hodaka Morishima
Hina Amano
Keisuke Suga
Natsumi Suga

Because what we get here is a masterpiece in itself. Thanks to a charming art style and animation, great music, and a skillful mix of raw reality and grand imaginative visuals that work so well with a teenage love story, this movie is established as a great gem.

The director’s knack for discussing topics such as Japan’s climate change, which can manipulate the weather and prevent the constant flooding of Tokyo’s streets, is Sunshine Girl’s seamlessly stunning concept.

While humanizing the entire plot, the heartwarming teenage love story of runaway high school student Hodaka Morishima and orphaned sunshine girl Hina Amano leaves nothing to be admired.

This movie has many moments of really good humor, but the movie deals with some darker aspects of life. Hodaka’s psychology of leaving his family and hometown to find a place in the wider world of Tokyo is deeply rooted in the growing depression and suffocation among teenagers in our society.

The film specifically focuses on the interaction between the two teenagers and how a relationship develops between earning money, admiration, and unwanted attention through Hina’s on-demand powers of cleaning the weather.

The main supporting cast for the film is also well-served. Their character development is also clearly well-crafted, as they play an important role in shaping the world and helping the plot flow naturally.

There are references to past Shinkai films in the film, and fans watching those parts will surely be in awe for a moment. The voice actors in this movie, especially Hina’s voice actress Nana Mori, did a really commendable performance.

Japanese rock band Radwimps once again provides the film’s sensational soundtrack and five songs. Each of them is a pleasure to listen to, and like its predecessor, Kimi no Na wa. , was used wisely by reinforcing the strong emotions of a particular moment. to tell a story.

The artwork we’ve seen in previous Shinkai films is very good in this rendition of the rainy modern city of Tokyo. This is a movie about our grand imagination and connection with imagination.

Because it’s about thoughts, desires, and feelings – feelings, happiness, joy, fear of loss, destruction, love. Spontaneous and indirect love – love that cannot be analyzed critically – but love that must be felt with taste, touch, and emotions.

This is surprising. The story is really good. The characters are very fleshed out. More than others An anime movie that comes to mind. Each character has their own Things are happening and I’m worried about them all.

That’s incredibly interesting. I succeeded in making this movie. The ambiguous moments were very charming. finished Well, I’m really scared of what’s going to happen. The music of powerful moments is very good and wonderful.

7. Suzume no tojimari

Release date: 2022 (Japan) November 11

Director: Makoto Shinkai


Suzume Iwato, Souta Munakata, Tamaki Iwato, Minoru Okabe, Rumi Ninomiya, Chika Amabe, Tsubame Iwato, Hitsujirou Munakata, Tomoya Serizawa, Daijin, Miki


Suzume Iwato is a 17-year-old high school girl who lives with her aunt in a quiet town in Kyushu. On his way to school, he meets a young man who is looking for ruins at the door and informs him of a ruined hot spring resort nearby, and he becomes intrigued and follows him.

There she found a door standing alone in its frame. When she opens it, she sees a realm full of stars that she cannot enter. She trips over a cat statue on the floor, transforms into a real cat, and runs away. Suzum gets scared and returns to school.

Suzume takes the man to his home, where he introduces himself as Souta Munakata and explains that he is “closer” and that he was sent to abandoned houses across Japan to release a powerful supernatural “insect” and prevent an earthquake. I explained that I had to find and lock a particular door in one location.

While they are talking, the resort cat appears and turns Sota into the chair he is sitting on. Souta follows the cat, who has become a small three-legged chair, and boards the ferry for Ehime, following Suzume.

When Souta tells Suzume that the cat is the “keystone” and that the worm was released after the keystone was removed from near the door, the cat jumps onto another ship.

Suzume receives the most incredible masterpiece ever from Makoto Shinkai. Director Shinkai tends to give his movies open endings that leave a lot to the imagination of the audience, and they are often very bittersweet.

I really liked Suzume and Souta’s journey. Not only do they work together to save Japan from an earthquake, but they also work to discover more of themselves as humans through their adventures.

Additionally, the supporting characters are memorable with their unique personalities and funny banter. The ending may be a bit abrupt due to the unexpected twists and turns, but the more you think about the ending and its connections to the entire movie, the more it all starts to make sense.”It’s the best movie he’s seen this year.” Today was his second time seeing the movie, and I saw it with him.

You can see that he is heavily influenced by the works of Hayao Miyazaki. According to IMDB, his favorite movie is Laputa: Castle in the Sky. This is also great.

Both of his films were critical and commercial successes, and both achieved the highest box office sales in Japanese film history. Sparrow is 14th on the list along with Ponyo, Avatar, and Harry Potter.

Like his previous work, the animation captivates audiences with fast-paced, beautiful visuals and bright, vibrant artwork, bringing pure escapism to movie theater screens. It might be slow for some people, but I like it because it gives me time to appreciate the art direction. The plot itself is a very touching coming-of-age story about responsibility, freedom, love at first sight, and dealing with life’s growing pains.

For some, it may bring tears to your eyes at times, as you are engrossed in the development of the main character throughout the romance anime films. Sometimes you will run into some very strange and very funny scenes, but don’t worry.

What I like the most is the theme music and the soundtrack which fits the style the film is going for. Studio Ghibli fans like me will absolutely love this beautiful masterpiece.

8. Howl’s Moving Castle

Director: Hayao Miyazaki

Studio: Studio Ghibli

Release Date: 2004


The story is set in a magical steampunk-inspired world and follows the adventures of Sophie, a young woman who works in a hat shop. After a chance encounter with the mysterious Wizard Hole, Sophie is cursed by an evil witch and turned into an old woman.

She takes refuge in Howl’s magical walking castle, where she becomes a cleaning lady. As Sophie builds her new life at the castle, she is caught up in conflicts over war, magic, and personal identity. The film explores themes such as love, identity, and the effects of war.


Sophie Hatter: The main character of this film was originally a young woman who was cursed to become an older version of herself. She is strong-willed and resourceful.

Howl Jenkins Pendragon: A mysterious, attractive, young, and powerful wizard. He owns a moving castle and is known for his magical abilities.

Calcifer: A fire demon that powers Howl’s castle. He has a deep connection with Sophie.

Witch of the West: The antagonist of the story who curses Sophie and tries to gain Howl’s powers.
Markle: Howl’s young apprentice who helps Sophie and Calcifer.

One of my favorite Studio Ghibli movies. I watched it as a kid and watched it again today. All Studio Ghibli movies are wonderful, touching, and soothing. It is like a treasure that remains in our hearts as a memory.

Adventure, story, characters, music, visuals, everything is amazing. The line “A king without mercy is not worthy of a kingdom.

Each of their movies has a lesson. Check out each one now! Now, look at it all at once. You will be really surprised.
I am so thankful that this movie exists in our world.

Listening to the classic “Carrying You” theme song reminds me of my childhood. Also, The relationship between the show, the art style, the music, and the characters is very, very great.

9. Hotarubi no Mori e

Director: Takahiro Omori

Studio: Brain’s Base

Release Date: 2011


The story revolves around a girl named Hotaru Takekawa who gets lost in a dense forest while visiting her uncle’s house during summer vacation. She meets a mysterious masked boy named Jin, who warns her not to touch him.

Otherwise he will disappear forever. Despite this warning, Hotaru befriends Jin and they develop a deep bond as they visit the forest each summer.

The film explores their unlikely friendship and the challenges faced by Jin’s supernatural nature, as well as the passage of time and the bittersweet nature of their relationship.

Characters Name:

Takegawa Hotaru: A girl who befriends Jin and visits the forest every summer.

Jin: A mysterious masked boy who lives in the forest and has the ability to disappear when touched.

The film explores themes like love, friendship, loneliness, and the fragility of life. It beautifully depicts the fleeting and forbidden love between two people who were never meant to meet.

I love this movie, it’s simple and gentle, but it moves me deeply. It’s a perfect example of nothing lasting forever, and it broke my heart because Hotaru and Jin seemed so perfect for each other. The animation and art style inspired me to watch this film.

I thought it was very beautiful and had a very elegant style. It’s definitely a must-see for anyone interested in romance, but I think it’s a great short film that everyone will enjoy.

Seeing the friendship between the two blossom into romantic feelings as Hotaru grew up, I felt like I was truly living in a world without time zones, and it was the cutest thing ever.

I remember watching it with my friends at school four years ago and crying a lot while watching it. This movie was perfect. I was so sad that the anime ended in such a sad way that there was no sequel to heal my broken heart. Still, I especially love the chemistry between the main characters.

Jin and Hotaru had a great story, but that son of a bitch ruined it and destroyed their official relationship. Now, as I’m writing this review, I’m reminded of the moment between Jin and Hotaru and I’m crying all over again.

Despite being so short, it’s still a great story and a reminder that things don’t always turn out the way we want them to. This anime has a lot of memories and is very important in my heart because it was the first anime I watched with my friends and it made me feel sad for days.

The ending wasn’t what I expected, it was heartbreaking, and when the soundtrack for the final scene came on, I burst into tears because I was expecting the exact opposite of what happened. Let me just say, it has its flaws no matter who points them out, but it was worth your time.

10. The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo)

Title: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo)

Director: Mamoru Hosoda

Screenplay: Satoko Okudera

Studio: Madhouse

Release Date: July 15, 2006 (Japan)

Duration: 98 minutes (Approximately)

Genre: Science Fiction, Romance, Drama


The story follows Makoto Kono, a high school girl who discovers she has the ability to time-leap after a strange encounter with a device that looks like a nut. At first, Makoto uses this power for nefarious purposes, such as avoiding awkward situations or improving his grades.

However, as she continues to time-travel, she begins to realize the consequences of her actions and how they affect those around her. The film explores themes of friendship, love, and choices in life.

Main Characters:

Makoto Konno: The main character who has acquired the ability to travel through time.

Chiaki Mamiya: A mysterious time-traveling boy who befriends Makoto.

Kosuke Tsuda: Makoto’s friend and classmate.

Yuri Hayakawa: Makoto’s best friend.

One of the best movies I’ve ever seen. It is relaxing and stressful at the same time when you need it. The story, characters and music are almost unmatched in any film. The ending is very ambiguous and open to interpretation, but that’s one of my favorite things about it.

Depending on your optimism, it can be a happy ending, or it can be very depressing when you understand the situation. All in all, a great watch, very unique and beautiful at the same time.

I liked it a lot. It’s sad that in the end, it became a story about the future and science instead of romance. I’m sure Chiaki saw Makoto as a good friend and wanted to protect the painting for his future.

We don’t know what kind of relationship he had with the painting because he didn’t explain it to Makoto, but he was probably a bad guy (a scammer).

He obviously knew that she had used up all the charge from the Kurumi Time Device, but he had planned everything in advance and wanted Makoto to do his job, so he didn’t try to stop her. He probably wanted to use Makoto to find out the whereabouts of the painting through his aunt.

Like her aunt, Chiaki was in love with a traveler at the same time, but she never came back. So Chiaki may have been sent to take care of the picture.

11. Byousoku 5 Centimeter

5 Centimeters Per Second

Director: Makoto Shinkai

Screenplay: Makoto Shinkai

Studio: CoMix Wave Films

Release Date: (Japan) March 3, 2007

Duration: 63 minutes (Approximately)

Genre: Romance, Drama, Slice of Life


“Five Centimeters Per Second” is divided into three interrelated sections, each focusing on a different character and life stage.

“Cherry Blossom”: The first corner introduces Takaki Tono and Akari Shinohara, who became best friends in elementary school. When Akari’s family moved to another city, they promised to stay in touch, but as time went on they gradually drifted apart.

“Cosmonaut”: This episode depicts Takaki’s high school life as he struggles with his unresolved feelings for Akari and the challenges of growing up.

“5 Centimeters Per Second”: The final segment explores Takaki and Akari’s adult lives, how their paths diverge, and how their brief but meaningful connection makes a lasting difference. This shows that it has a significant impact.

The film delicately explores themes of long-distance love and longing, and it takes an emotional toll on the characters.

Main Characters:

Takaki Tohno: The male protagonist who has feelings of unrequited love and distance from his first love, Akari.
Akari Shinohara: The female protagonist, Takaki’s childhood friend has a deep relationship with him.

This film really speaks to the soul about people and the inevitability of life. It is a very beautiful movie and the director explains everything in the first minute.

Cherry blossom leaves fall at a rate of 5 cm per second. Sometimes the leaves stick together as they fall, but eventually, they break apart and go their separate ways, hitting the ground. The person you first met and fell in love with can never leave you.

Getting your first love is very difficult, and this film depicts the pain felt by those who struggle to move on from their first love but never succeed. That person shut down people who “looked up to them” and it was really poignant on many subtle levels. The ending is a bit odd, but I saw it as an open-ended dream sequence where the main character finally grows.

What I don’t like about this movie is that it’s one of the best Shinkai movies I’ve ever seen, with an absolutely fantastic score and animation. This might be my favorite animated movie of all time (I’d say that quite a bit).

Honestly, I can see how some people might get bored watching this movie, but every part of it is so bittersweet and touching, and perfectly captures the feeling of growing up. As time went on, I felt more deeply connected to this movie, I almost cried when I thought about the ending.

12. Big Fish & Begonia (2016)

Best Chinese Anime Movie

13. From Up on Poppy Hill 2013

14. Wolf Children


What genre is Your Name anime?
Romantic and fantasy.

Is Your Name movie worth watching?
“Your name is. “A beautiful movie. If you haven’t checked it out yet, if you’re looking for a movie about love with lots of humor and fantasy elements, I highly recommend it.

Who is Mitsuha’s husband?
In an interview at the French premiere of Weathering with You, director Makoto Shinkai confirmed that Mitsuha and Taki are married.

What is the age gap of Taki and Mitsuha?
Mitsuha (17) was the same age as Taki (17) when she changed her body. Mitsuha (25) was three years older than Taki (22) when they met on the steps of Tokyo’s Suga Shrine.

Is Silent Voice a sad anime?
It is very emotional and does a great job of portraying themes like depression, bullying, and anxiety. Most of the story depicts heart-wrenching moments, but at the end, there is a perfect climax that completely lifts your mood. A Silent Voice is one of the most acclaimed anime and a must-watch.

Who is the most liked character in a silent voice?
1 Shoko Nishimiya: A victim who finally forgives his bully.
2 Masaya Ishida A bully kid, a bully who just wanted to be saved.
3 Tomohiro Nagatsuka: My funny friend was actually my best friend.

Why Princess Mononoke is so good?
The reason Princess Mononoke is such an enduring and profound work is that director Miyazaki undoubtedly has a hatred for the human race, but humanity’s own hatred is a reflection of nature and human emotion. Flexibility is being replaced.

Who is Ashitaka’s girlfriend?

Did San end up with Ashitaka?
At the end of the movie, San and Ashita lose the battle. The two people you’re rooting for fail, and Iboshi-sama kills Shishigami. But the film doesn’t end there, cause action has consequences.

Did Shizuku and Seiji marry?
Seiji tells Shizuku that he will return to Cremona after entering high school in Tokyo. The two ride Seiji’s bicycle to the observation deck and watch the sunrise. There, Seiji confesses his love to Shizuku and proposes marriage in the future. She happily accepts.

How old is Shizuku Tsukishima?
Shizuku Tsukishima is a 14-year-old high school girl who is a dreamer and loves novels and stories. The girl often borrows books from the library.

Who created tenki no ko?
Makoto Shinkai

What is the message of tenki no ko?
Weather With You: the concept of taking responsibility for one’s actions is at the heart of the film. At first, Hodaka is overwhelmed by his situation and decides to run away from home, moving to Tokyo.

Is Suzume no Tojimari connected to Your Name?
And if not, the cast of Your Name and Weathering With You will make a cameo in Suzume, just like Taki Tachibana and Mitsuha Miyamizu did in Weathering With You. They thought it was deaf. However, nothing happened to Suzui. Instead, the director took a different approach in his latest film.

Does Suzume have romance?
Sparrow focuses not on the romance between girls and boys, but on the complex relationships they share with other people.

Who is Howl’s son?

What is the main problem in Howl’s Moving Castle?
In Howl’s Moving Castle, Sophie often comes into conflict with the supernatural and other people as well as herself. Hall is forced to hide and confronts not only himself but also his environment.

Why did Howl lose his heart?
Howl gave his heart to Calcifer so that he would not die, a curse that deprived him of his humanity. This made Howl more powerful, but it also slowly made him less human and more beastly.

Is Gin in love with hotaru?
Jin confesses his love for Hotaru and admits that she loves him too.

Does Gin come back to life?
Jin was killed in the Winter War and reincarnated as Jin Ishikawa. He lived in a town near Karakura as the son of a very wealthy couple but had no memory of his previous life.

Who is the protagonist in The Girl Who Leapt Through Time?
Makoto Konno

Does Makoto meet Chiaki again?
Finally, Makoto meets with Chiaki to tell her that she still has one jump left and what she knows from Chiaki. She promises to save the painting for Chiaki to look at in the future. Now that his cover has been blown, Chiaki must return to the future.

What Happens in The Girl Who Leapt Through Time?
Makoto, a high school girl, gets the power to travel back in time and decides to use it to her advantage. Little does he know that he is affecting other people’s lives as much as his own.

Is The Girl Who Leapt Through Time a sad movie?
The story was a fun mix of both sad and light-hearted moments, the characters were great, and the visuals were top-notch. The Girl Who Lept Through Time is not only a great animated film, it’s great by any standard.

Does Takaki end up with Akari? What does Takaki think about the end of 5 centimeters per second?
What happens to Takaki and Akari at 5 centimeters per second? As shown at the end of the movie, Takaki has moved on. He only liked the glow of her youth. As Akari has changed over the past few years, Takaki decides to accept reality and move on with his life.

Who does Akari Shinohara end up with?
A month before her wedding to Yuichi, she returned to Tokyo to prepare for the ceremony. One day in April 2008, when cherry blossom petals were slowly falling to the ground, Akari went for a walk.


in this blog post, you will get the complete list of Romance Anime Films.
I have listed out the top 11+ best Romance Anime Movies.

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